Southeast Asia Dog Project

Intensive study project on Dog population and Diseases in Southeast Asia

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Why this project?

There are over 500 million dogs worldwide, including stray dogs in urban, rural, and protected areas. These domestic dogs can serve as a reservoir for zoonotic parasites and neglected tropical diseases, such as rabies, which affects a significant number of people in Asia and Africa annually. Additionally, dogs can act as intermediate hosts for emerging pathogens from wildlife or vector-borne diseases, making them potential sentinels for early detection of zoonotic outbreaks.
To effectively manage dog populations and address associated diseases, it is important to gain a better understanding of their distribution and dynamics. Monitoring and evaluation methods, such as direct visual observations of dogs and statistical analysis using capture-marking-recapture techniques, can help estimate population size and gather demographic information relevant to vaccination and population control.
Thus, we installed camera traps in several villages among Southeast countries to collect videos of dogs in these area, then, this website will offer an efficient way (4 main features) to visualize and manage these data, allowing Epidemiologists, Data Scientists or relevant majors to achieve their work.

Note that a FEEDBACK feature ONLY for staff members.

Explore Data by Dogs

We classify individual dogs in each area in specific period by using some clustering algorithms. In this feature, you can study on individual dog such as which site the dog's been to or how many taken videos of the dog as well as evaluate quantitatively the accuracy of the algorithm.

Explore Data by Camera

This feature can enable to obserse timelines of installed camera traps in specific campaign in which you can go deeper on discovering when and how many dogs were caught by the camera

Dog Re-identification

The web also provides a method to predict the most similar dogs in our database based on your image or videos containing a dog.


You can also give us feedbacks on abnormal or wrong classification directly in this website to help us improve the data becomming more reliable.

About us

We are ICAR team at LIRMM Laboratory in Montpellier, France. This project is fulfilled in a collaboration between us and CIRAD.

Huy Hoang Duong

Fullstack Developer

Marc Chaumont

Associate Professor

GĂ©rard Subsol


Cyril Barrelet

PhD Student

Joel Maizi

Research Engineer

Vincent Raveneau

Research Engineer

Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky


Eugenio Dias-Ribeiro-Neto

Computer engineering student


If you have a question or need more information, do not hesitate to contact us

Our Address

ICAR Team, LIRMM Laboratory, 34000, Montpellier, France

Email Us

ANR for SEADogSEA project and FSPI/OHSEA for DogZooSEA project